The Free State Legislature is now in full swing following the election of five Chairpersons of Portfolio Committees on 10 July 2024, to drive oversight for the seventh administration.
These elections were preceded by much anticipation, to see who will make it into the committees. The election of the Chairpersons also provides insights on the intention of Legislature reflective in the reduction of number of Committee Chairpersons from six to five.
“The Constitution of South Africa, 1996, and the Rules and Orders of the Free State Legislature makes provision for the Legislature to establish mechanism to enable it to perform its functions. All established Committees take into account the proportionality of representation of political parties in the Legislature,” said Mr Life Mokone, the Spokesperson of Legislature.
The Portfolio Committee Chairpersons were elected as follows:
Public Accounts Committee: Hon. Motete Daniel Khoabane (ANC):
In order to enhance accountability, Public Accounts is a watchdog of tax payer’s money. It plays a critical role in overseeing the performance of government department, municipalities and entities to ensure economic use of government funds. The Public Accounts can summon anyone to appear before it to present on financial and non-financial relating to their institutions.
Public works, infrastructure, Roads, Transport and Human Settlement Committee: Hon. David Edward Janse Van Vuuren (DA).
Another critical Committee which is responsible for oversight over the Member of the Executive Council for Department of Public Works and Infrastructure. The MEC is a policy leader responsible to manage immovable properties and the accommodation needs for government and other infrastructure deliverables. The Committee will must consider that best practices are followed in the course of infrastructure delivery in the province.
Agriculture, Rural Economic Development, Small Business, Sports, Arts and Culture Committee: Hon. Zama Lucas Sigwebela (ANC):
Establishment of this Committee takes into consideration the configuration of government departments and is one of the most dynamic committee.
Education, Health and Social Services Committee: Hon. Mapheule Isiah Liphoko (EFF):
This cluster provides a great opportunity for Legislature to assess the social transformation strides we are making as province. The Committee will play oversight over three departments considering the success in education, the challenges in health and social development.
Cooperative Governance, Office of the Premier and Legislature Committee: Hon. Armand Benjamin Cloete (FFP):
The Committee focuses on interventions by the Department and the strides made by municipality in their efforts to accelerate service delivery.
Hon. Thabo Piet Meeko (ANC) has been elected as the Chairperson of Chairpersons Committee on Ethics and Member’s Interests.
Hon. Nthabiseng Julia Garekoe (ANC) the Deputy Chief Whip of the Legislature has been elected the Chairperson of the Committee on Budget and Oversight.