Mangaung residents assured quality water

Mangaung residents assured quality water

Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality (MMM) in the Free State has launched a R130 million project to refurbish its water treatment works over a period of 14 months, in order to provide good quality water to its citizens.

The Executive Mayor of the sole metro in the Free State, Cllr Gregory Nthatisi, committed to improve the services of Mangaung to its people, including that of providing quality water.

“Currently, the plant delivers 44 mega litres per day; when the refurbishment is completed, this will increase to 60 mega litres daily. During rainy seasons, this will increase to 80 mega litres daily,” explained the Executive Mayor.

Nthatisi said, the refurbishment is a landmark bulk water augmentation project which shows that the City has the best interest of the people at heart and is going in the direction that its citizens are directing.

The refurbishment project will include: Process upgrade including advanced processes in order to treat 60 Mll/day.

Upgrading the of the rapid gravity sand filler to increase capacity.

New filter wash water recovery pump station and pipework.

Refurbishment the large clarifiers to improve production rates

And new fibre optic communication network.


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